Hello, Hollywood! Here I come!
If you're serious about being a WORKING actor in Hollywood, this course will save you YEARS of trial and error by streamlining the process and giving you a roadmap to pursue your dream!
Intro (6min)
Business of Acting - Resource List
Setting Goals (7min)
BofA - Think BIG
Must Have Websites (8min)
Union vs. Non-Union (8min)
How to Get Your SAG-AFTRA Card (9min)
Headshots (7min)
Resumes (10min)
BofA - Resume Example
The Training Every Actor Should Have (1min)
Confidence (9min)
Homework, Q&A (13min)
Overflow Week 1 Q&A (4min)
Scams! (11min)
Auditions (16min)
Self Tapes (7min)
When to Take UnPaid Work and When to STOP! (7min)
Putting a Great Reel Together (5min)
Agents & Managers: When, Why & How to Get Them (21min)
Backstage Agent List
Casting Director Workshops: How to Make Them Work for YOU! (9min)
IMDB: How to Get On It & Lower Your Score (9min)
Social Media: How to Maximize Its Benefits for Your Acting Career (5min)
Overflow Week 2 Q&A (11min)
Creating Your Own Content (43min)
Getting Your Work Seen (4min)
Getting Into Festivals (5min)
Turning PRO! What To Do When You're On Set! (9min)
When & How to Hire a Publicist (12min)
Tips for the Red Carpet (6min)
How to Kill It On & Off Camera Interviews (9min)
Breaking Down a Script (10min)
Breakdown of a Script (Katy)
Breakdown of a Script (Katy) - Clean
Business of Acting - LINKS
How I Prep for Auditions (18min)
Short answer: I wish something like this existed when I moved out to Los Angeles.
Long answer: I knew I wanted to be an actor from a very young age. My mom and I still laugh at a memory of me storming into the kitchen at 3 or 4 demanding she “Put me on TV!”
But my parents didn’t know anyone in Hollywood to make that dream a reality. So, I went about my life - and they went about theirs - the way most people do - and we all just figured if it was meant to happen, fate would intervene.
I mean, there was no roadmap to “How to Make It In Hollywood.” That doesn’t exist - or rather I should say, it didn’t exist - Until now.
We’ve all heard the saying: “It’s not what ya know. It’s who ya know.” Well, I didn’t know anyone - and neither did anyone in my family.
But the dream of being an actor doesn’t go away.
So I did everything I thought you were “supposed to do.”
I trained at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts Program. I opened and ran a theatre company that produced several productions in New York. I ran the gamut of Broadway auditions. I thought I knew what to expect when I finally decided to pull the plug and move out to Hollywood.
That was until I got to Hollywood and realized… I didn’t.
I had no idea how to get on TV or in a movie. I didn’t know who you were supposed to know even if you didn’t know anyone - BTW, there’s a way to know the people you need to know, FYI!
I took advice from people and spent tens of thousands of dollars on coaches who weren’t even actors themselves - so they didn’t have the real-life experience to understand the struggles I was going through and, therefore, didn’t have the solutions for me because it didn’t apply to them.
There was no one I could turn to that could point me in the right direction.
It was awful.
I made it my goal to make sure no actor ever feels like that.
I started speaking to college students to help get them prepared if this was what they wanted to do upon graduation. I started private coaching. I taught classes not only on acting techniques but ways to approach the business. I would arm my actors with confidence building tools, action steps, and hope! Because you need it in this business.
I told them what to read, what websites to become a member of, what to avoid when and if it sounded sketchy (like an “audition” for “Disney” that costs you $10,000 - don’t do it!) <-Let me repeat: DON’T DO IT!
I didn’t want anyone to worry about the HOW in pursuing their dream - because it was, and still is, the most heartbreaking thing in a career when you realize you blew an opportunity because you “didn’t know what to do or not do.”
So here is my solution to the aspiring professional actor and even working actors who have hit a slump. Yes, even professionals you’ve already seen on TV have taken this course and signed with new agents, booked work, and created opportunities for themselves because of it.
No more wondering “What if…” or “But I don’t know how” or the worst one, “I don’t know anyone in the business.”
You now know me.
Let me be your guide to becoming a working actor!
My Only Disclaimer: You are going to need to work for it! Are you ready to work? How badly do you want this? There's some tough stuff in here. Are you sure you can handle it? …Okay. Let's do it!
How to set goals that inspire action!
Access to Cheryl's personal resource list - who she goes to and why!
Confidence Building Tools
Discover how to get auditions with & WITHOUT an agent!
Get on IMDB & Lower your score!
Learn shortcuts to creating your own content!
Tips for shining in interviews!
Make Casting Director Workhops WORK. FOR. YOU!
How to become Union, when & why you should do it!
BONUS! Learn Cheryl's personal approach to breaking down a script and approach to auditions!
No. However, because this is a Business of Acting course, I will speak heavily about the business side of things - and therefore I recommend anyone under the age of 14 to be accompanied by a parent to make sure they understand all the information.
Because the main focus of this class is the business side of acting, I will not be having traditional acting lessons. However, I will share how I prepare for auditions.
No, you do not have to live in Hollywood at all! In fact, I have friends that live and work all over the map. There is a ton of work outside of Hollywood. I constructed the first part of this course for anyone living anywhere who wants to pursue this career professionally - even if your first step is simply showing up like a pro at your local town theatre’s open call auditions.
Absolutely! In fact, I recommend it. Since child actors rely heavily on their parents managing the business side of their careers, this is a perfect course to introduce a new parent to what is expected of them in this business.